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2023-09-14 英语词典


美式发音: ['ɡaɪə] 英式发音: ['ɡaɪə]






1.盖娅(被视为能进行自我组织与控制的单一自然体系的地球)the Earth, considered as a single natural system which organizes and controls itself




2.大地之母盖亚  大地之母盖亚(Gaia),在战神3一开始,奎爷站在奥林匹斯诸神和泰坦一族的战场上,第一个游戏场景就在盖亚巨大的身体上。 …

3.地母神该亚他们是地母神该亚Gaia)、地狱深渊神塔耳塔洛斯(Tartarus)、黑暗神俄瑞波斯(Erebus)、黑夜女神尼克斯(Nyx)和爱 …


5.大地之母盖娅大地之母盖娅 (Gaia) 对宙斯 (Zeus) 把她泰坦族的儿子们囚禁在地下世界的监狱中怀恨在心,於是怂恿巨人族反抗。但在海格力 …

6.大地女神当大地女神GAIA)移进第四和第五密度,任何负面力量都会被毁灭或者移到一个适合它们的地方。这意味着他们完全的等级 …


1.This will transform me, as well, and as is the situation with Gaia, we both have to sense that everything is ready to start.这也会转化我,盖亚也是同样,我们都要感觉到一切都准备好开始。

2.I thanked Gaia on all of our behalf and went on to ask Papa Source if there was anything to mention on the thread tonight.我代表我们所有人对盖亚表示感谢,接着问天父源头是否对于今晚的讯息有任何需要提及的。

3.During my connections over the last few days it has been made apparent to me that Gaia is receiving mixed messages.在过去几天来我的连接中,非常明显的是盖亚正在收到不同的讯息。

4.If Gaia and Nebadon are to be settled in Light and Life, then there must be a method and a measure of control to ensure that will happen.如果盖亚(地球母亲的灵魂)和内巴顿(银河系)要被安置于光与生命中,那么必须要有一种控制的方法和措施来确保那会实现。

5.While there was great destruction, the vast majority of it was part of the natural world and necessary for Gaia's transformation.同时这里依旧有着大量的破坏,绝大部分来自于自然,以及盖亚母亲转变的需要。

6.If I just let it go, it seems to be a destruction to the wisdom of the Gaia.如果我放弃的话,似乎是一个对盖亚女神的智慧的毁灭。

7.Lovelock says, "The Gaia theory is a bit stronger than coevolution, " at least as biologists use the word.洛夫洛克说:“盖亚理论与共同进化论相比稍显强势,”至少在生物学家采用这个词的时候。

8.And thus I ask you, whenever you think of Lady Gaia, find and speak loving words for her as well as send Crystals to her.因此我感谢你们,每当你想起盖亚女士、感受并为她说出爱的话语、以及对她发送水晶能量的时候。

9.Since the other shapechangers would not bow before Gaia's greatest children, the werewolves began to destroy them.既然其他变形者拒绝对盖亚最伟大的孩子弯腰,那么狼人就摧毁他们。

10.Gaia : The relic that you hold, an amulet of the Sisters of Fate will allow you to move swiftly through time while all around you slows.盖亚:你手中的遗物,命运三女神的护身符,将赋予你在时间里飞速的移动并且使周围的一切变慢的能力。
